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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Behead The Betrayer

Article By Kara O'Leary
Ryan Chrismer may stand at just over five feet, but don’t let his height fool you. He has a huge voice, and is one of the best screamers with the widest range that New Oxford has seen yet. He only started last year with his former band of Thy Kingdom Come with New Oxford’s Kyle Duble and Bryan Merriman (class of 2010), and completely rocked the high school’s music scene at the talent shows.     This year, Ryan and Kyle moved on from Thy Kingdom Come to a new band with new goals and a new approach. Behead The Betrayer consists of Ryan Chrismer on vocals, Mark Groft and Kory Smith on guitar, Joey Morgan on bass, and Kyle Duble on drums. While Ryan and Kyle are the youngest of the band (the others are in their twenties), the age difference couldn‘t have any less of an effect.    
    I went to their show at the Bombshelter venue in Gettysburg on September 24th where Vanessa Falls, Where There’s A Will, and Free The Fallen also played. I interviewed the guys after their set, and there was obvious chemistry within the group. All of the members had previously come from other bands, mostly because of differences with their former bandmates. They all came together through school, girlfriends, and careers. Even though they’re a somewhat new band, they’re taking this much more serious than any of them have before.
    They’re getting through it all by the inspiration of favorite bands Chelsea Grin, Emmure, or even Justin Bieber, as Ryan enthusiastically exclaimed, to which the other four members heartily agreed. Now as a type of straight up metal hybrid, they’ve all got a goal on their minds to make it big, and they’re well on their way. “Our fans are a huge part of the process; they’re making all of this worth it. They’re all really supportive; it’s great.“ said Kyle. The entire band is extremely grateful for all the support they’ve found from friends, family,  other bands, and even former bandmates. The musicians have already worked with producer Ryan Shorb (guitarist for Henge) in Harrisburg to record their EP “Insignificant Satisfaction”, and have more plans underway. “Right now, we’re just trying to get more shows and get our music out to more people and kind of grow a little more as a band,” Groft said. They’re on the right track, as they already have another show lined up on October 15th at The Champ in Lemoyne (tickets are only $10!). Pick up a CD, though it doesn’t do their live performances justice.
    If you like bands such as Suicide Silence, Whitechapel, and Burning the Masses, it’s necessary you check out Behead the Betrayer. They’ve got catchy songs, powerful riffs, and fierce screams that will have you head banging before half of the first song is over. Check them out or listen to a genre you hadn’t before, and head to one of their live shows and get a chance to know them, they‘re all extremely nice guys. Find Ryan or Kyle in school (they’re easy to recognize) and ask about their band. Behead the Betrayer is mixing up the local area for now, but they’ll surely be taking over the metal scene and touring with their idols (but maybe not Justin Bieber) before long.

Photographs by Donald Dariano

Friday, September 24, 2010

Our Hardcore Segment

This is probably going to be one of the longer segments we will be writing because of the fact we have indefinite amounts of expertise in this type of genre.  To start with we will define what the generic term "Hardcore" means.  Hardcore is so very generic that it is simply described as a heavier, faster and "thicker" version of punk-rock. The reason this genre becomes so generic is because so many sub-genres have evolved from the fusion of metal,electronic, and even gospel with Hardcore.

Donald's Segment
 To start off I'll start off with the sub-genre I am most familiar with the Metal/Punk fusions and subgenres of Metalcore.  Metalcore is defined as the combination of extreme metal and hardcore punk.  The music defined as Metalcore often involves variation in singing types.  These will almost always include: Screams, Growls, and other gutteral throat sounds. (These are not to be considered cacophonic in any matter!!!)  This is where many people become "scared" of these genres.  However, there is no need for fright, dismay, terror or any other existance of extreme foreboding.   The guitars and bass for metalcore genres are very fast paced and oftne attempt to follow eachother's patterns.  this in turn creates an overlapping affect that empasizes the depth of the music.  The drums are usually the samae as other hard rock genres; however, they usually contain a double-bass pedal.  This is a where another mallet is attached to the bass pedal and two sounds are made per one kick.  This can create very fast paced drum sounds while reserving energy.  Another noticeable difference would be the introuduction of a "breakdown."  A breakdown is actually similar to an instrumental solo but it is actually slow paced, usually never extremely fast in tempo. These breakdowns are usually very bass heavy and the rhythym and lead guitars are often in synchronization.  Oddly enough, this is where most moshing or slam dancing occurs. Many other Metalcore genres contain these simple factors listed above ;however, the small differences matter!  Heavy metal can be used to describe Hardcore in today's culture.

Melodic Metalcore
  • This is very simple to Metalcore  but, the melodic portion of this involves the pattern that the instruments matter.  Vocals can be either complete screaming or partial screaming ;however, the instruments need to have melody.  This means that they are in synchronization and the next part of the song will follow similar patterns.  This is my 2nd favorite type of genre considering I like the sound of the instruments within harmonization. Some bands include : Five Finger Death Punch, Frosty Eve, Bullet For My Valentine, and All That Remains, and Miss May I.

Miss May I
 Death Metal/Metalcore
  • This is definitely my favorite genre of music!  This invovles very heavy screams, usually constant growling and very deep grunts.  This is what more or less defines Death Metal.  The instruments are usually not in sync but, they still caan be if they choose so.  The other difference would be the lyrics.  Lyrics in this type of genre are very violent, but not usually towards other people.  They usually are meant to diffuse hate through music.  They usually include their ideas about politics, society, or religion. Yes there is Christian Death Metal bands.  Look some up if you choose to do so. There are many variations of Death Metal but they are so miniscule that people are simple being picky. Some bands include: Chelsea Grin, Cannibal Corpse, Oceano, Born of Osiris and The Agonist.
  • Another note, in my opinion Deathcore=Death Metal, don't fight me, I did research.

Chelsea Grin

P.S. If I sat here and typed out every single genre that I listen to-well it would take up five blogger pages. Sorry!  However, if you want to listen or see any Hardcore music go to my facebook page and look at my music interests!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Photos From The show :D

Here are the pictures from the show!   The singer wearing the FEAR LESS shirt is from For Today, The Guy with the whit tank-top saying For Today is from from Stray From The Path.  Free The Fallen will also be playing this Friday at The Bombshelter Venue.  The singer wearing the IDGAF is The Word Alive and the last picture is the band After The Burial.
Hope to see you at The Bombshelter this Friday!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome! :D

By the way, Ryan Chrismer is the vocalist for Behead the Betrayer, not the bassist.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

National Hispanic Heritage Month

Today marks the beginnning of National Hispanic Heritage month which will run Sept. 15-October 15.  Latin music is much more diverse than one would consider. It isn't as simple as "the only difference is the language."  There are as many genres in Latin Music as there are in other languages, possibly more.  However, the most popular of these languages include:Bachata, Cumbia, Reggaetone,Coridos,Salsa and Merengue.  There are the same genres in Latin Music as there are in the United States such as: Country, Rock, Rap etc.  However,  one of the most interesting aspects of the types of music in Hispanic countries are the dances involved with it.  Usually people dance the same to Rap, Pop and Techno.  However, there are very different dances for Bachata, Salsa and Cumbia.  This gives the music another whole dimension-movement.  The dances involved are often very fluid and can be done with partners or seperately.  Reggaetone which is similar to the American version of Rap.  The music is very fast paced and contains similar beats;however, there are different types of instruments used.  Reggaetone is one of the most popular forms of Laitn Music and has even ended up on the top of American Mainstream Music Charts.  Bachata is somewhat similar to Reggaetone but it is usually slower in pace and most of the songs follow the same type of pattern, they are all about losing someone they loved or love not returned. Bachata dance is often done with a partner and simulates two-person salsa.  Salsa and Merengue are similar however Meerengue has stayed the same over the years whilst Salsa has evolved over time.  Coridos is also like Merengue but is typically listened to by the older generations.  Latin Music has become so popular in the United States that it is simply impossible to not listne to it at some point.  We at MusicUnnoticed are dedicated to sharing some of the more famous artists with you.
Ivy Queen
Daddy Yankee
Don Omar
Kumbia Kings
Julieta Venegas

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Results of A School-Wide Survey On People's Two Favorite Genres of Music

  After surveying 345 students from New Oxford High School, we compiled a graph to show the most preferred and least preferred types of music.
(click to view larger)